Monday, November 4, 2013

Protein Synthesis Review Questions

*side note: Hi everyone, I know I haven't posted the daily class blog posts in a bit but we're doing a really big lab right now and I want to post the entire lab in one post so bear with me. We're almost done!*

Explain the following images in terms of what you (the student, so me) have learned from Survival of the Sickest and Your Inner Fish respectively.

The coloration of this flower is completely natural (though some may believe otherwise). Due to a "genetic mistake" or mutation, the flower is two different colors, giving it a unique appearance because of the rearrangement of DNA in the mutation. A lot of things could have caused this mutation, including outside radiation from either manmade chemicals or the sun's UV rays or it could just be a genetic miracle. 

Cool looking right? Yeah, it probably isn't for whoever that hand belongs to. This is a prime example of what happens when your Sonic hedgehog gene goes a bit haywire. The ZPA was manipulated in a way that it formed more digits than necessary. This is all due to an error in the hedgehog gene, which controls the structure of an animal's limbs.

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