Wednesday, April 30, 2014

There's a reason why French fries are so appealing (Botany of Desires)
 Everything in the environment is dependent upon each other. For example, bees and flowers have a very tight relationship caused by coevolution. Both the bee and the flower want to benefit from the interaction and end up benefitting both. The bee is able to get food from the flower and the flower is able to spread its pollen to other plants to fertilize.

Much like the relationship of the bee and the flower, humans and plants rely on coevolution to obtain a food source (for humans) and spread its seeds (for the plant).
The ecological world is split up into four different desires: sweetness, beauty, intoxication, and control.

The apple is an example of sweetness and represents human desire for objects that are sweet.

The cannabis represents intoxication

The potatoes represents control, which is why french fries taste so good.

And lastly, the tulip represents beauty and the human desire for beautiful things.

All of these plants have been domesticated by humans because of their appeal to humans. They all are able to manipulate human minds, making them strong candidates for agriculture. 

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