Saturday, September 28, 2013

Day 12: You want me to do what!?!

Today, I was given an almost impossible quest. I have to research a theoretical fossil and create a theoretical fossil of the human ancestor.

But before I found that out, we took a quiz, which I passed so yay!

Then, we talked about evolution and how species adapt to their environment by adding extra protection. And what better way to learn about that than to rewrite Miley Cyrus' song "Wrecking Ball" to talk about fava beans.

See, fava beans release free radicals and screw up your red blood cells when someone has a deficiency of the G6PD enzyme, giving the person eating fava beans anemia. Now, fava beans are found in areas that are also high in malaria epidemics. But anemic blood isn't ideal of the malaria parasite. So fava beans can reduce the chances of someone catching malaria!

And if you wanted that in musical form, here are my lyrics to "Fava Beans"

Your myths, your shape, your genes, your name
Were all signs that said no
You gave us gas, some people died
But that was before, we knew

That you can save us all
You can fight it off
You can stop this disease
Your favism affect might just stop
The malaria from killing me

You came in like a fava bean
You threw away my G6PD
The radicals released chemicals
But the malaria was gone
And you saved me

Yep...this is why you shouldn't let me write songs. I can sing 'em. Can't write 'em.

So after that, we were told of the impossible quest, and of course Michelle and I said "Let's pick the most interesting but possibly the hardest species to research and then make a legit looking fake website about a fake fossil that we found and how we did it."

So yeah, we chose the theoretical fossil of pan prior, which is the hypothesized fossil of the common ancestor of humans.

Odds are we won't find much, but I've got a couple books in mind for researching and Michelle's good with websites so we should get something good, hopefully. But that's it for now.

Until next time.

P.S. sorry for the lack of cool/pretty pictures

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